Monday, 17 December 2007
The World through a Child’s Eyes
To be held at Darnall Forum
Childcare available
Following sessions are on Thursday 31st January & Thursday 7th & 14th February 2008
How children develop social skills and independence. Communication. Children’s likes and dislikes and making choices. Developing a child’s interest in outdoor play. Plus lots more…
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Meg Munn Meets Primark Recruit
Monday, 3 December 2007
Parkway Iconic Bridge Design Competition

Your chance to comment on the design proposals
The images featured here are the short listed entries from a design competition for the proposed

Thursday, 22 November 2007
Local Residents Object to Hostel Scheme in Darnall
The meeting came up with a number of concerns about the scheme, such as its proximity to a local park where unaccompanied children go to play, the fact that it will have wardens during the day but not at night, doubts about who exactly will be allowed to live there and concerns that building a new hostel in Darnall may not be the best way to regenerate a neighbourhood which is already the most disadvantaged in the City according to the Council's own statistics.
Local resident Mrs Sylvia Hamilton said, 'This area has been getting steadily better for many years now. We would hate to see that progress put in jeopardy. We think what Darnall really needs is more social housing for ordinary families who cannot afford the price of starter homes which, even in Darnall, are completely out of their price range. We urge South Yorkshire Housing Association and the Council to think seriously about that alternative.'
Residents of Darnall are being urged by the group to write to SYHA, their local councillors and the planning department. Further information is available from the offices of Darnall Forum in the former Rose and Crown Public House, at 245 Main Road in Darnall.
Women Only Self Defence Classes
This is a joint project with Sheffield City Council and the PMC.
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Survivor of 9/11 Addresses Community Meeting in Darnall
Local residents were invited to visit the Quba Culra Mosque opposite the Don Valley Stadium where there was an exhibition about Islam and a chance to be present for one of the five daily prayer times at the mosque.
At the Darnall Forum Community Learning Centre, on Main Road in Darnall, forty local community leaders also gathered for a seminar with two Muslim scholars, Imam Fadel Soliman who is the director of the Bridges Foundation – an international charity dedicated to building reconciliation between Muslims and other communities, and Mufti Yusuf Akudi who is closely involved in Muslim and inter-faith projects in Dewsbury and in the wider Yorkshire and Humber Region.
‘The purpose of the seminar was to help local people to think imaginatively about ways of working more closely together and to learn from each other’s experiences,’ said senior BME Development Officer, Ghazala Bi who works for Sheffield City Council and Darnall Forum.
Mr Soliman, who describes himself as a survivor of the 9/11 attack in New York, told the meeting how his narrow escape from death had convinced him that he was called to spread understanding between Islam and people from other faiths and none. Mr Akudi described how the 7/7 attacks in London were first reported to him in the middle of an inter-faith meeting. Those attacks had made it all the more important, he said, for people from the Muslim community to work with other people to breakdown division and bring about regeneration in communities like Darnall.
The Revd Vernon Marsh from the Sheffield District of the Methodist Church, and Mr David Missing, who convenes the Darnall Churches Together organisation, gave a Christian perspective on inter-faith community work. Mr Marsh said, “Every part of the city of Sheffield should be a place where people can flourish. People from all faith traditions share a concern for the well-being of individuals and communities. As a Christian I believe it is important to link arms with people from other faith groups to find ways of addressing the problems which diminish people's lives in places like Darnall.”
Mr Mohammed Ali, the Chair of the Pakistani Muslim Centre in Darnall, said that Darnall was becoming a better place to live but that the more people from different faiths and cultures could work together the better things would be.
Bringing the meeting to a close, Mr Abdool Gooljar explained how Islam Awareness Week had grown from small beginnings, with a gathering of only ten people for the first ever meeting fifteen years ago, to events which now attract hundreds of people.
Chair of Darnall Forum, Sylvia Hamilton, said that she hoped this would be the first of many such meetings in Darnall. ‘We have to show the few people who turn to violence that their way of expressing their faith is not going to change things,’ she said, ‘But that working together is the real way to make a difference. This is what we are trying to do in Darnall.’
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Investors in People
A Chance to Decide Which Bridge You Want

Saturday, 17 November 2007
Exhibition of Bridge Designs for Darnall Residents
MP Clive Betts is pictured with local residents looking at one of the designs. The Darnall Forum offices are open to the public from 9.30 until 3.30 each weekday. They are at 245 Main Road, which is the former Rose and Crown public house.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
Making a Difference to Darnall
Also on Tuesday 20th Nov
Quba Culra Mosque Open Day
120 Attercliffe Road, S9 3TN
As part of Islam Awareness Week the mosque will be open from 9.30-2.30. All are welcome to tour the mosque throughout the day, including prayer times at 1.00 and 1.50pm, and to view the exhibition and artefacts. Sandwiches, drinks and fruit supplied.
Large groups please contact Abdool Gooljar, 07930 313773, to arrange a time.
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Official Opening of our New Community Learning Centre

Wednesday, 7 November 2007
South Asian & African Caribbean Diabetes Awareness Day
Come and talk to us from 10am to 3pm on Monday 12 November
“Can I catch Diabetes from someone else?”
Christine, Linda or Jacqueline: 0114 292 2450
For transport from Rotherham please telephone
Helen: 01709 302 612, Anjum: 07768058398 or Sonia: 07733225410
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Workers' Network Lunch
· Lunch
· Networking with organisations
· Making contacts and links
· Become more aware of what's happening with other projects
Come to the launch of our new Community Learning Centre
· Come and look round the new building
· Meet the Staff
· Let us know what you like to see in Darnall
· What do you think of the plans for Darnall
· Tea and cakes
· Register onto courses
· Find out about the different Darnall Forum projects
· Voice your ideas
Monday, 29 October 2007
Registered Charity
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Please Show Your Support for the Forum
And we need more members who are helping us to make a difference to Darnall!
If you live or work in Darnall and the Forum has helped you, or you think we are helping Darnall, please become a member! The more members we have, the more difference we can make.
Come to Our AGM
If you want to help us make a difference by shaping the work that we do, come and share your ideas with us at our AGM on Thursday 1 November 2007 at 6pm in our new offices and learning centre at 245 Main Road, Darnall, S9 4QD.
Or Join Our Management Committee
If you have got lots of ideas, if you think we could be doing better, or if you want to help us carry on doing more of the same, please think about becoming part of our Management Committee.
The new Committee will be elected at our AGM, there will be a new training course to help people who have never been on a Management Committee before.
If you need any help getting to the meeting (care responsibilities or transport) call Anne or Nazia for help on 249 0099.
Why not cut and paste the following section of the post into an email and apply on-line to be a member of Darnall Form or a management committee member?
I would like to get involved in Darnall Forum by
- Becoming a member
- Standing for election to the Management Committee
Postcode: …………………………… Contact number: …………………………………………………
Email: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(Please note that because we work with young people and vulnerable adults, all committee members must agree to a Criminal Records Bureau check)
Open Day and New Courses Planned for Darnall Learning Centre
There will be an open afternoon on Wednesday 7 November from 2.00pm, and we want as many people as possible to come along for tea and cake, to have a look round and tell us what they would like to see on offer in the building.
Two New IT Courses with Janet
Interested in downloading music from the Internet? Do you ever have trouble finding your files? Both courses start soon here at Darnall Forum. If you are interested please see the staff or call them on 0114 249 0099 for more information or to sign up for the course.
Infield Lane Community Allotment
Gardening Group Would you like to meet people and learn more about gardening? There will be a friendly, informal gardening group starting soon at Infield Lane Community Allotment.
Training and Funding for Local Groups
We will be offering workshops for local groups in issues that face Management Committees and
finding funding using Funderfinder computer software.
Need Help Finding a Job?
Then come along to the Learn Direct Bus on 31 October for help with your CV, and using the
internet to search for and apply for jobs. The bus will be parked next to Kettlebridge Doorstep Green between 9.30am and 2.30pm.
Driving Theory for Women (and Men?)
Prepare for your Driving Theory Test with a qualified IT tutor on hand to help you get used to using a computer in this way. We also have the discs in Urdu if you prefer. We can run a separate course for men if there is enough interest.
Self-Defence for Women
We are now able to offer a Women only Self-Defence class with a Muslim instructor. Contact
Darnall Forum Staff for more information.
Learner Support Fund
We have money for a second year of the Learner Support Fund. If you would like to access training, but something is stopping you (childcare or other carer costs, transport, course fees) then contact us, we might be able to help.
Other Services Starting Soon in your Community
Also watch out for new services starting soon at Darnall Forum, including: e Job Shop, SIA Security Guard Training, and how to set up your own business.
Contact Us
If you would like more information about any of these courses and activities, or if there is something else you would like to see on offer in your local area, then contact Anne or Nazia on
0114 249 0099, or call in to see us.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Activity Sheffield October Half Term Activities
Tuesday 30/10/07 , Wednesday 31/10/07, Thursday 1/11/07 - 50p
10.30am - 12.30pm @ Darnall Education Centre, Darnall Road
Fundays - for young people aged 8 - 12 years (under 8's need adult supervision)
To book a place contact the school or call Zoe White on 07971069373
Monday 29/10/07 - Pipworth school @ 10am - 2pm
Tuesday 30/10/07 - Davys sports and social club @ 10am - 2pm
Thursday 1/11/07 - Phillimore school @ 10am - 2pm
Sports van sessions - All welcome
2.30pm - 4.30pm
Monday 29/10/07 @ High Hazels Park
Tuesday 30/10/07 @ Mather road
Thursday 1/11/07 @ Darnall community park ( Kashmir Gardens)
For more information please contact Zoe White on 07971069373
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
You Are What You Eat
- Did you know additives in food can affect your child’s behaviour?
- Would you like some ideas on preparing healthy packed lunches?
- Do you know how to eat healthily during the month of fasting?
- Improve your family’s health by providing them with a balanced diet
All this and more on our 5 week course
Healthy Eating for Families
Starts Thursday 27th of September 9.00am to 11.00am at Phillimore School
To book your place, please ring the school on 0114 2494036
A free crèche for under 5’s is available but places must also be booked in advance
(When booking crèche places please tell us the ages of your children)
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Open Day at the Gym, 10am - 5pm Tuesday 11 September
You can look around our facilities and work out for free. Qualified instructors will be available for information and advice. There will also be refreshments for you after your work-out.
Contact Jo for further details on 0114 2496315.
Monday, 3 September 2007
Read the Autumn Edition of the Darnall Herald On-Line
If you prefer to read a paper copy, they will be delivered door-to-door next week, or you will be able to call in and collect one from our offices.
You can also find our website at www.darnall.org.uk.
World in Focus in Darnall
There were also plenty of other activities for children and young people including: DJ workshops provided by Darnall Music Factory; a climbing tower: football (even the Community Police Officers couldn’t resist a quick game with local kids); face painting; bouncy castles; and arts and craft activities.
The day was rounded off when the resident Street Artist for the day, Marco Manyou, completed his One World Day commemorative masterpiece (also pictured) which will now be installed in the Greenlands Community Room.
The last picture shows Lyn and Jo from Darnall Well-Being preparing their popular fruit kebabs.
For more information about Darnall Forum or SUG TARA contact Anne Sh
The day was funded by Awards for All, Sheffield City Council, ABC Awards, Darnall Area Trust Fund, Wates and Sheffield Homes. Darnall Forum is funded by ERDF through Objective 1 and Yorkshire Forward.
Saturday, 1 September 2007
Hug A Tree!
Friday, 17 August 2007
Training in Retail and Customer Service Work
- Fast Track Course
- Part-time
- No retail experience needed, just as positive friendly personality
- Payment of £25 to secure a place, (which will be returned when you complete the course)
- Contact Sidrah as soon as possible at our phone number
- or simply drop into our office
- Scroll down to see how to get in touch with us
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
"Spray Paint" Art in Darnall
DJs In The Park
3pm - 6pm
Darnall Community Park
This is just a reminder that we are working with the Young Friends Of Darnall Community Park to run a "DJs in the Park" event next Saturday which will include DJ and Break Dance workshops, Street Art, sports with Activity Sheffield and a Ranger activity.
It's a chance to mix your own music, practise your dance moves and do some spray paint art! It's aimed at young people, but families and younger children are welcome too.
It should be good fun!
Friday, 3 August 2007
Vacancies on the Sheffield First 0–19+ Children & Young People Service District Board for Arbourthorne, Manor & Darnall
We need the expertise from the community and from parents/carers to ensure the development of the best possible services for children and young people across the city. If you could help place communities at the heart of service planning and delivery then the 0–19+ Partnership Service District Board for Arbourthorne, Manor and Darnall is looking for you! (Please note that the Service District also includes Tinsley, which is part of Darnall Ward.)
There are currently vacancies for one Community and one Parent/carer representative on the Arbourthorne, Manor and Darnall Service District Board
If you have
- A good understanding of local challenges in improving children and young people’s
- The ability to work creatively, professionally and persistently in partnership
- And you are either a worker, volunteer or committee member in a local group
- Or an individual who works with others as a parent/carer or in support of parent/carers,
then you may be the person the Service District Board needs.
For an informal chat, please contact Neil Bishop at Darnall Forum , (contact details at the bottom of the page), or visit the OFFER website at www.offer.org.uk
Closing date: 5pm Wednesday 26 September
Transitions Bid
No explanation is offered, and we cannot ask for feedback. We suspect, however, that the grants' panel was unconvinced by our plans for rolling out the project regionally, and even nationally, (which is a requirement for large awards).
The implication is that we should confine future applications to less than £150,000, (and probably closer to £100,000), if we want to succeed. Then they would not need to have regional or national significance.
This would, of course, mean scaling back the "Transitions" project and losing at least one part of the original proposal – which was about preparing children for nursery, helping them to learn to read, and helping them to prepare for secondary school. Which of these can we do without? Or can one of them be funded another way?
Thursday, 2 August 2007
One World Day in the Stovin, Uttley and Greenlands Neighbourhoods of Darnall
The Stovin, Uttley and Greenlands Tenants' And Residents' Association is holding a One World Day event on Saturday 1 September between 12 and 5pm.
The aim of the event is to promote community cohesion on the three estates in Darnall. There will be activities for children and young people and we are hoping to provide an opportunity for people to learn about each other's cultures and try each other's food.
If you would like to get involved in any way, no matter how small, or if you have any suggestions to make, then please contact the Forum by scrolling down towards the bottom of the page, where you will find our phone number, email address and drop-in details.New Staniforth Neighbourhood Centre
The purpose of the meeting is to:
1. Receive Annual Reports from the Chairperson, the Treasurer and the Secretary.
2. To elect officers and members of the Committee of the BCNWP
3. To elect officers and members (‘Officers Elect’) of the new company to be formed as approved at the Extraordinary general Meeting on 1 August.
4. To agree to accept the new name of the company: The Staniforth Neighbourhood Centre.
Any persons interested in becoming members of the present B.C.N.W.P. Committee or Directors of the new company need to submit their nominations to the Chairperson, at least 2 weeks before the A.G.M.
Please note that, although the new Centre will be open to everyone in Darnall, and anyone can now apply to be a member of the BCNWP, only people of Bangladeshi origin can apply to be members of the Management Committee or company directors.
For further details, please contact:
Mr Bakul Popat
The Old School Building, Station Road, Sheffield S9 4JT
Tel: 0114 2737471 / 07990784036.
E-mail: bakul.popat@sheffield.gov.uk
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Affordable Housing For Darnall
Neil Parry of the East End Quality of Life initiative, said, 'Since we first decided to launch this campaign, affordable housing has moved much higher up the political agenda, because the new Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, has identified low cost housing as “one of the greatest causes of our time.”'
'The government is now saying they want to build three million new homes by 2020 and have a zero carbon footprint for new houses by 2015. But will they be affordable for the people of Darnall?'
Anne Shirling of Darnall Forum said, 'Staniforth Road has three bedroom town houses for sale starting at £204,000, which is well beyond the reach of many local people. One of the focuses of the campaign is to see whether it will now be possible for the Council to look at building more social housing as part of any further developments.'
Neil Parry said, 'We think affordable housing in the form of shared ownership or rented homes should be an important part of any new developments in Darnall. We are expecting over 1000 homes to be built here in the next few years and we believe they should be environmentally friendly so that they help to reduce fuel bills and contribute to reducing the effects of climate change. The recent Neighbourhood Development Framework published by the City Council calls for new developments to be carbon neutral and we must be firm about this.’
The Carnival Which The Rain Couldn't Stop
After a slow start, when local people weren’t sure whether the rain was going to hold off, the sun came out and crowds of local residents began to stream through the gates.
Forum manager Neil Bishop estimated that around 5,000 people had visited the event during the afternoon to see the many stalls, activities and marquees, and to enjoy children performing Nasheeds (Muslim poetry), Arabic dancing and various performances by groups supporting “Love Music Hate Racism”. The entertainment culminated in a crowd of about 2,000 people gathering in front of the stage for the closing acts of the day’s programme: celebrated Bhangra Bands Jinx and B21, and the female dance troupe The Bollywood Dancers.
“There was a really good mix of people at the Carnival,” said Neil. “People of all ages and from all the communities in Darnall were in the Park together having a good time, and there was a fantastic atmosphere. Of course all the fans of the Bands were congregated round the stage, but it was great at the end of the afternoon to see lots of families sitting on the grass outside High Hazels House, listening to the music and soaking up the sun.”
Councillor Mary Lea said, “I want to give my congratulations to the staff of Darnall Forum and Darnall Green Spaces who made it such a great day out for the people of Darnall,” and Sylvia Hamilton, the Chair of Darnall Forum, said: “I am sure everyone who went to the Carnival will agree that it was a really excellent day.”
Claire Ward, from Darnall Community Nursery, said: “We had a good time at the Carnival. All the hard worked paid off. It was a great success.”
All the staff from Darnall Forum wore colourful shirts to identify themselves, provided by the European Regional Development Fund and Yorkshire Forward as part of their sponsorship of the Forum’s work. Other sponsors of the £15,000 event included the flood ravaged Meadowhall Centre, the Don Valley Stadium, builders George Wimpey and Haslam Homes, and Sheffield City Council.