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Monday, 21 December 2009

A Happy Christmas to the People of Darnall!

In the Gospels Jesus asks his followers, 'Who do people say that I am?' Various answers are given but Jesus isn't satisfied until Peter tells him, 'You are the Messiah, the son of the living God.' Christians still stand by that answer, but for Muslims only the first part of Peter's reply is true.

The Muslim understanding of Jesus is simple. He was a man, born of a virgin, (the account in the Qur'an's third chapter is very similar to the account in some of the Christian Gospels). He was given prophethood by God from birth and performed miracles during his life by God's leave. Muslims do not believe that Jesus died on the cross; in fact the majority orthodox belief is that he did not die at all and will one day return. But Christians might ask, 'How is it possible to accept the virgin birth of Jesus and yet deny that he is part of what it means to be God?'

Despite these differences of opinion about Jesus, perhaps the fact that he is so important in both faiths can make him a bridge between the two at Christmas. To find out more about this debate, visit the Christian Muslim Forum website at

Happy Christmas!

Monday, 7 December 2009

Art in the Park presents Art Bytes!

Art in the Park is an organisation which offers free environmental arts activities in parks and green spaces around Sheffield. We aim to develop links within communities and allow more creative use of spaces. You will be able to explore your creativity and have fun while working with our artists and volunteers.

Arts Bytes is an opportunity for adults to learn new art techniques and meet people!

This winter why not come join our arts and crafts activities; these sessions:

Are FREE!!
Are open to all adults (Children are welcome, but must be accompanied by an adult)
Include a FREE trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
Give you the chance to create your own online blog and step by step art guides

You don’t have to sign up for every week
You don’t have to have any arts or IT experience or be from the area where the sessions take place

This is a real unique and exciting opportunity for anyone who wants to learn new art techniques and get involved in a city wide project

If you would like to attend either just turn up or contact Luisa on 01142686813 or

Below are the full dates of all the sessions in Darnall - the technique mentioned will be the focus for the first four weeks. An update for the last five weeks will be sent out before Christmas!

Drawing & painting with a creative mark making angle. Looking at miniatures - a traditional Asian art form

Pakistani Muslim Centre, Woodbourn Road Every Wednesday 10-12.30pm Nov 25th, Dec 2nd, 9th, 16th, Jan 6th, 13th


NHS Sheffield has put forward proposals for LIFT developments to deliver new health centres for Darnall, Foxhill and Norfolk Park. If you are registered with one of the three GP Practices, or you are a resident in one of these areas, you are invited to share your views on the potential health impacts of the proposals. The purpose of a Health Impact Assessment is to identify the potential impacts that the projects may have on health, and to make appropriate recommendations.

The PCT is keen to ensure that members of the community are able to express how the project will impact on them, to ensure that potential health impacts and community views are included in our assessment. As well as a general presentation, we plan to organise as much of the meeting as possible around small group discussion so everyone can have an input.

The date for the meeting in Darnall is:

Thursday 10th December 2009, 2:00 pm - 4.30 pm at Living Waters, 81 Main Road, Darnall