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Thursday, 30 August 2012

New Opening Hours For Our Community Office

The official opening hours for our community office have, for a long time, been 10am till 4pm, Monday to Thursday, except for adult community learning classes or meetings arranged by prior appointment, which sometimes start at 9.30.

However, for most of last year we have managed to open on Fridays as well. From 3 September 2012 we will be reverting to opening Monday to Thursday only. This is because of cuts to our funding.

The post office is unaffected and will still open at 9am Monday to Saturday, closing at 12.30pm on Saturdays and at 5.30pm on weekdays.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Darnall Community Pride

Volunteers working for the Darnall Community Pride project have engaged with 295 people at six venues (including the post office twice) to find out their views and help them take action to improve our neighbourhood: 106 people at the information day, 92 at the post office and 66 at the Staniforth Neighbourhood Centre and smaller numbers elsewhere. The project also produced posters, leaflets and banners, and volunteers are going to attend two school assemblies.