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Thursday, 16 May 2013

Please Do Get in Touch!

Who to contact for more information
Please contact Nazia on 0114 249 0099 or email for more details about the carnival or anything else in this blog.
If you have an idea, vision or concern, or just want someone to listen to what you have to say about your community, why not contact our community organisers:
·     Zahira Naz on 07860 526602
·     Nagina Hussain on 07860 526601
·     Charlotte Beecroft on 07860 526585
·     Gareth Douglas on 07860 526598

Darnall Carnival

Thanks to generous support from British Land we hope to be able to help local residents and organizations to hold a carnival again this year, probably on Saturday 14 September. We are looking for volunteers to help organize this. 


While some post offices are closing, Darnall Post Office is expanding! During the summer we are refitting the branch so that we can offer more services, including:
·     An ATM machine
·     Car tax or vehicle licensing
The branch will also have a makeover inside while these changes are taking place. To make these changes we will have to close the post office for ten days. Staff will let you know, up to four weeks before, when these changes are going to happen.
All of our usual services will continue to be available alongside the new ones after the refit:
·     Saving and borrowing
·     Insurance
·     Banking and payments
·     Travel money
·     Letters and parcels
·     Phones and internet
·     Forms and documents
We will also be opening for longer on Saturdays.

Darnall Forum Can Help You Learn English or IT, Or Get Your CV On-Line and Apply for Jobs By Email

Once again we are running adult community learning courses at Darnall Post Office and at the Church of Christ, Living Waters and the Staniforth Neighbourhood Centre in Darnall.
In September we hope to offer
·     ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Entry Level 1, 2  and 3, and Level 1 and 2.
·     IT courses in a range of subjects at Levels 1 and 2, including wordprocessing, spreadsheets and desktop publishing.
This will depend on Council funding and on who the Council asks to deliver adult community learning courses in Darnall next term.
There are also some places available NOW on IT courses at Tinsley One Stop Shop on Bawtry Road near Meadowhall.

Basic Help for Jobseekers
Each Monday from 9.30 till 11.30 we run sessions for people who are looking for work on Mondays. The programme we offer lasts for five weeks and during that time we will help you to:
1.   improve your CV
2.   open an email account, or use your existing email account, so that you can manage your CV and send it to employers
3.   search for jobs on the Internet
4.   improve your job applications and covering letters
5.   improve your interview skills
You can join the programme by coming along on a Monday at 9.30, but we only have space for ten learners at a time.
If you already have a CV please bring it with you. If you have a copy of your CV on-line please send it to yourself in an email before you come to your first session or you can bring it with you on a memory stick if you have no alternative.

Basic Help for Jobseekers in Slovakian
On Wednesdays mornings from 9.30 till 11.30 we will be running sessions with an tutor who speaks Slovak. The programme we offer to Slovak speakers also last five weeks. We will help you to:
1.   create a CV in English
2.   use your email account, or set up a new English language email account, to manage your CV and send it to employers
3.   search for jobs on the Internet
4.   prepare some covering letters and useful words and phrases to put in application forms
5.   prepare for an interview in English

If you already have a CV – in English or Slovak – please bring it with you. If you have a copy of your CV on-line please send it to yourself in an email before you come to your first session or you can bring it with you on a memory stick if you have no alternative.
Please note that places on this programme are strictly limited. Please call at Darnall Forum to arrange a place on the next course.
This programme and some of our other sessions for jobseekers are funded by the European Social Fund as part of its mission to invest in jobs and skills for European citizens.