Attendance – 14 people
Apologies – two apologies had been received. The death of a former member of the Board was reported to the meeting. Condolences had
already been sent from the Board. It was resolved to
send a card to a member of staff who is unwell.
The Minutes of the 2015 AGM were agreed to be a true record.
Arising –
ACTIONS from last year’s AGM – Zahira was going to try to
arrange a meeting with the person elected to lead the Roma community, and to
the Madrasa and also to the ladies at the Subud Centre about helping to clear
up litter, however she wasn’t present to report because she was at a Council
meeting which had overrun. Lucy did not know who had been elected to lead the
Roma Community but a lot of positive work has happened through Darnall Well
Being (DWB). She is still waiting to hear about continuation funding. Good use
has been made of Darnall Community Development Centre.
The financial report, which is part of the
annual report and accounts for 2015, was
adopted. Neil B was asked what is happening to the Forum’s income in 2016. He said
it is falling, mainly because we have received £21,000 less from the Council
this year but only found out about the reduction in August so it was very hard
to budget for it. The Forum needs to receive upfront payment from the Council
for its remaining contract if it is to be able to cashflow its work and the
councillors have undertaken to ask about this.
It was resolved to contact the chief executive of the council, John Mothersole,
to ask for a meeting. Sylvia Hamilton offered to join a delegation to see him.
The Trustees’ Annual Report for 2015,
including the Chair’s Report was
adopted. The councillors had said that all the local charities based in Darnall
should join together but – although this might some of our operating reduce
costs – it overlooks the fact that each organisation is part of wide networks,
in the NHS, and in local Church or community networks which need a hub where
their network is focused. The councillors have been made aware that
organisations closing will be a loss to the communities they serve but they
have no solutions to offer.
It was resolved that the community be asked to sign a petition to the Council
about the risk to the post office if Darnall Forum has to sell it. Community members
also need to email or text their councillors about their concerns. It was also
resolved to call a public meeting.
Elections & Appointment of Auditors – There are currently
three vacancies for the Board and these were not filled. Sam Nicholson of Nicholson
& Co was adopted as the independent examiner for 2016.
Local issues – Future ownership of the post office: it was noted that
local people are being invited to join the staff in buying the post office from
the Charity.
AOB – The AGM of the Family Development Project is at 4pm on Tuesday 18 October. The DWB AGM is at 5pm on 15 November in the Primary Care Centre. All are welcome.
ACTION: Copies of the petition and the newsletter to be distributed at these meetings.
AOB – The AGM of the Family Development Project is at 4pm on Tuesday 18 October. The DWB AGM is at 5pm on 15 November in the Primary Care Centre. All are welcome.
ACTION: Copies of the petition and the newsletter to be distributed at these meetings.