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Friday, 24 February 2012

There is one week to go until the first deadline for Community First grants

  • The deadline for this round is Friday 2nd March 2012.
  • You can apply for amounts of £500 to £2500
  • You apply directly to your local ward panel using a simple application form, the panels are being run by local volunteers and they will make the first funding decisions by the end of March.
  • All requests for funding must be matched by volunteer hours, gifts in kind, cash donations or another funding stream.
The current priorities for the Darnall Panel are:

  1. Safer & Stronger Communities
  2. Children & Young People
  3. Improving Health & Well-Being
  4. Environment
  5. Increasing Employability Skills & Reducing Poverty
Your application should explain how you will help to meet these priorities. Your group will also need its own bank account and, preferably, a constitution or set of rules governing the way it works. The staff at Darnall or Tinsley Forum can help you to put this together if necessary.

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